Our Mission :

We Empower Business to Outperform.


Focused and Dedicated

We are dedicated to discovering and investing in promising business ventures, products and solutions.



In an ever-changing market, new problems arise every day, which call for new ways of thinking. We promise to remain open-minded always, tackling problems by thinking inside the box, outside of it and anything in between.


Make Things Happen

Ideas will forever remain as ideas without implementation. Free Bird is a driving force behind innovative business ideas, always propelling projects forward with a execution plan in mind.


Professional Services

Our professionalism is evident in the high standard we hold our team to in providing solutions that are supported by in-depth research and analysis, as well as the integrity level we maintain in safeguarding the confidentiality of data.


Agile and Responsive

Maintaining fluid communications and acting in a swift and efficient manner are crucial to success, and therefore two of the most important principles that we stand by.


Dynamic Workplace

We take pride ourselves in being an enthusiastic and energetic team both in and out of office. At Free Bird, we enjoy work-life balance as a prerequisite of our careers, not a gratuity.

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